An amature photographer with profesional aspirations.


A visit to the office.

My wife is an account manager at a local manufacturing business and upon countless visits to her office (one of those visits having been today) I have noticed this stuffed pink monkey sitting in the corner of one her many shelves. I couldn’t help but want to make a portrait of him. What do you think?

Yard sailing can make for a good picture.

While out yard sailing with my wife last Saturday (our usuall weekend venture) I took this picture.

Opinions Please.

I have been involved in a local camera club for the last few months. I recently entered five photos (matted and framed….more on those at a later date) into our Spring Showcase and three out of those five were given honorable mentions (whatever that means……only three places so, let’s say I was mentioned for fourth place three times). Anyway, once a month our club has a contest and this month flowers were featured. This is the photo I chose to enter (incidentally, I took this one the same day I took the photo of the fly sunbathing) but, did not win the contest. I would like anyone reading this to just share your opinion of it with me. I think it is one of my best. However, what do I know.

Un-ordinary things.

I took this picture yesterday evening. I just like the trying to make a picture out of the things that just don’t ordinarily make it into pictures.

Sometimes less is enough.

I decided to get out this morning after taking my youngest son to school and try my hand at some reflection images. I tend to edit most of my pictures just to boost it with some color or sharpen it up a bit but, after playing around with these two a few times I determined that it just wasn’t needed.

Just because.

I took this picture in the early evening outside in my back yard. Just because I could.

Just outside my front door.

I have had this image of this bird house, that sits outside my front door on the porch, for quite some time now. Looking out the window this morning I noticed that a cicada had shed it’s shell at some point. I thought it would make for an interesting shot since this is the year of the 13 year cicada.

A nice day for a walk.

My wife and I decided to take a walk on one of our local nature trails yesterday. Due to most of the trail being under water I didn’t take a lot of pictures. However, I was quite pleased with this one. I couldn’t tell you what kind of bird it is but, I was happy with the shot that I caught as this bird was taking off.

A morning walk to the mailbox.

I woke up this morning, poured myself a cup of coffee and headed out to the mailbox to retrieve my Sunday morning paper. While heading back I noticed this yard strawberry in my lawn and thought it would make for an interesting picture. I enhanced the reds in the image to make the strawberry stand out.

Hello World!

Hello world! I am a photographer and trying to learn this blogging thing so, bear with me until I get the hang of this. Thought you might enjoy this picture. I was out photographing yesterday morning at one of my favorite fishing holes and caught this fly sunbathing on some honeysuckle. Who knew that a fly sunbathes! Just sayin’.